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These are the primary objects that contain animations, which the user wants to optimize or for which a BlendShape is generated using Generation.
A group or list of objects that the user initializes as a RIG and that are necessary for the proper functioning of BakeGeneration.
Extended: The mode in which, when using the MetaHuman template, controllers maintain dependencies among each other.
Default: The mode in which the RIG operates without dependencies, and each BlendShape is applied directly.
You can select individual objects or the entire group containing them. The program will automatically detect all meshes with animations using its algorithm.
By clicking on the filled field, you can check which objects have been detected.
If a controller is hidden, not visible, or missing from the Rig Group list, a BlendShape will not be created for it.
If any attribute of the controller is locked, a BlendShape will also not be created.
In this section, the behavior of the controller detection algorithm within the RIG is configured. The menu is divided into two lists: UnTracking and Tracking — this defines which objects the algorithm will consider as controllers and which to skip.
A list of objects that can be analyzed, but are not taken into account according to the logic.
A list of objects that will be checked for the presence of BlendShapes or established connections with the main objects (Main Objects).
A button that resets the settings to their default parameters.
To move an object from the UnTracking list to the Tracking list, simply drag and drop it.